Friday, May 16, 2008

Pursue Her

I just read an outstanding article from Boundless Webzine writer Drew Dyke entitle Pursue Her and I thought it was worth sharing it with everyone. This article is mainly directed at men. Below is a taste of the article, I'd encourage all guys to read the whole thing.

This article isn't about fairytales. I bring them up only to highlight what I see as a growing problem in the church: young Christian men unable (or unwilling) to actively pursue a potential spouse. Rather than saddling up the proverbial stead, many guys seem to be languishing in the tower, waiting for their princesses to stumble upon them.

If that's you, then I have some no-nonsense advice — it's time to man-up and take the lead in the romance department. And don't hide behind the whole too-holy-for-love façade. When you meet "the one," pursuing her with all your heart is the most spiritual thing you can possibly do...

...God created you to be a pursuer. So next time God brings a godly woman into your life, don't sit around twiddling your thumbs. The love of your life could be passing you by!


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